Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Math at Our House

New Zealand is working to shift their students to remote learning. They have shared a page of ideas of how to incorporate math at home. Not all the suggestions correlate to COVID-19 restrictions (ie. traveling, going to the library) but there are some great ideas. Check it out!

Maths at our house

Playing Games

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Science? I Thought This Was a Math Blog?


I've been finding so many great science resources in my search for math resources.
I couldn't let this knowledge slip through my fingers!

While I don't teach science at Samuel Morey or Westshire, I have taught science at the Montshire for two summers! I wanted to share these resources with you in some way so I can stop flooding the teachers emails 😊

Check out my tab "Science" for some AWESOME at-home science resources. Many science museums, magazines, NASA, NWS, are sharing their incredible science knowledge with us at home for FREE. 

Math and Literacy are really taking the forefront right now but sometimes it is nice to learn something new - lots of our kids love to learn about science!!