Here I will post movement ideas that you can do in your home with math and general fun movement activities!
Tape Floor Number Line
Linked above are instructions but I made my own using painters tape and index cards.
The floor allows for hopping from number to number!
K, 1, 2
- Regular Counting
- Skip Counting (2's, 5's, 10's, 100's)

3, 4
- Skip Counting (3's, 4's, 6's, 9's, 1000's)
- Fractions
- Decimals
Floor Tape 10-Frame
My tile floors worked great for setting this up-

You could use toys, stuffed animals, shoes, cans of soup, anything!
I used socks because sadly, I don't have stuffed animals :(
The link above demonstrates drawing cards and filling up that number of squares
K, 1
-Practice combinations of 10
-Add numbers together - Don't have to equal ten (1+3)
1, 2
Create a larger 20 frame - two ten frames together
-Practice creating teen numbers
Place Value Stomp
Ways to Play:
-Put a number in the spaces, like 9,327. Stomp on each number and read it aloud.
-Read a number aloud, like 1,349, have student create the number and stomp as the number is read aloud.
-Put a zero in any place and talk about how there are no tens but what the number 1, 205 sounds like.
-What comes next? Create a number like 5,438 and ask your child to "flip" to the next number.
-Call out a random place value and have your child stomp the number. Say the number!
Outdoor Math Addition Game
This game is not mine so I included the link even though it is sponsored by Famous Footwear.
-Adding five numbers 1 through 5 (Example: 1+2+2+3+4=12)
2, 3
-Change the numbers to be 5 through 9 (Example: 5+6+8+7+5=31)
3, 4, 5
-Change the game to multiplication
I would make it three columns but use numbers 2 through 5 (Example: 3x4x5=60)
K, 1
-Small Skip counting
-Start from a number other than 1 (1-100)
2, 3
-Skip Count
-Use numbers with hundreds
-Start at a number like 65 and count by 10's or 100's
Cosmic Kids Yoga - Not math but wanted to share!
YouTube Channel dedicated to healthy screen time - yoga and mindfulness - often character themed!
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