
Welcome to the Fifth/Sixth Grade Page!
Topics Include:
Any Operation (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division)


Any Operation (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division)
Name that Number
Link is for visual directions - all you need is a deck of cards!

Race to Pi Card Game

SpeedMath Deluxe (NAME THAT NUMBER!!)
Number puzzles - solve for an answer by filling in the operations. PEMDAS

Arcademics - online fact practice games

Mystery Math
Follow the steps to find the mystery number!

Arithmetic Four
This is played like Connect Four - You can change the operation!
This screenshot is from the younger grades level

Math Baseball
Again, you can change the operation and difficulty level

Factor Captor - Google Slides - Play with Peers

Similar to Factor Captor

Product Captor Game (Move the green squares to get started) 

Fraction Spin - Play with Peers on Google Sheets

Adding Fractions
Move all the red pieces to the right side of the board!

Played like Connect Four - Percentages and Decimals as well

Exponent Ball - Play with Peers on Google Sheets

Algebra puzzles
Read the directions below the puzzle first.
Find the sum of the different objects. What is a lady bug worth? What is a star worth? etc.