I couldn't let this knowledge slip through my fingers!
While I don't teach science at Samuel Morey or Westshire, I have taught science at the Montshire for two summers! I wanted to share them with you here so I can stop flooding your teachers email!!
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Owlie Skywarn NWS |
Check out these great online resources:
National Weather Service
"Learn Science and Safety with Owlie Skywarn" >>>>
Fairbanks Museum
Offering free online learning through Zoom, Facebook live, YouTube live
At home science, nature walks, night time sky walks, etc.
(RA students don't have access to YouTube on school devices)
Weather School from WMUR Storm Watch 9 Team
Daily Lessons for grade spans 1-12
NASA at Home
Mosa Mack Science
Mystery, Labs, Engineering Challenges
4th through 8th Grade
They're adding a new topic each week
Week 1 - Bubbles!!
Week 2 - Seeds!!
California Academy of Sciences
At-home Science
Live animal and critter streams
Ranger Rick
Digital magazine
Outdoor Activities
Animal Crafts
Scholastic Learn at Home (Science and Social Studies)
First and Second Grade
Third through Fifth Grade
Smithsonian Weather Lab App
Grades 5-8
From Arizona State University:
Ask an Anthropologist
Ask a Biologist
LIVE raptor shows? How cool!
Citizen Science
This link will give you information about how you can provide local data for our nations scientists!
So many great videos on viruses!
Handwashing Glitter Experiment
Mr. P's 2nd Graders - this might look familiar!! :)
A classic experiment
Who doesn't love mixing Mentos and Coke??
Sensory Fake Snow
Brain Teasers