Friday, March 20, 2020

DIY Kinesthetic 10-Frame

10-frame 10 partners

While this might be geared more toward late Kindergarten, I have begun using this manipulative with the 1st graders that I support in small groups.

I completed the set up and took pictures in less than 5 minutes. It's that easy!

Step 1. Start with a regular egg carton.

Step 2/3. Cut the top off and cut off two "egg holders".
Here is where we see the "10 frame" come alive!

Step 4. Fill with any counter you'd like. I used pennies and marshmallows. You could use toys, marbles, anything that would fit in the spaces. 

Step 5. I drew a 10-frame to hold the counters not in my egg carton. As you can see, there are 7 pennies in the egg carton 10-frame and 3 pennies in the other 10-frame. You can make the connection that 7 and 3 must go together to make ten. 
Take it one step further - Write the equation 7+3=10. 

Step 6. Make other combinations of 10.
You can start with a different number in your set as well if you've exhausted 10 partners!